Lowell Mather (played by Thomas Haden Church) is known more for his half-witted remarks and air-headed comments than for his mechanic abilities, although Joe and Brian Hackett do say he is one of the best when it comes to engines. He was always made fun of while around, but when he had to leave the island to enter the Witness Protection Program, a very sentimental group of friends said goodbye for the last time.
- Lowell has lived on Nantucket all of his life. As a child, he was once trapped in an icy lake for five hours. He was in an issue of Time magazine for it.
- His mother had a fling with communism back in the fifties. His mom never came to pick him up after the first day of kindergarten. Although he was not an orphan, he claims to have a brother who was.
- His godmother is Siasconset Sal.
- His Aunt Frita could do an excellent chicken impersonation. Lowell claims to have actually found an egg once when she got out of her chair.
- His Uncle Willy lost his nose in an industrial accident.
- His shop teacher, Mr. Connely, inspired him to become a mechanic. Unfortunately, the guy was a "freakin' psycho!"
- He graduated from M.I.T., Murray's Institute of Tools. It took him two weeks to graduate. If he had another fifty-nine dollars he could have become Doctor Mather.
- He married Bunny. His proposal was "We've been screwing around long enough. Let's make this thing legal." He and Bunny had two children and lived on a houseboat until they separated because Bunny was sleeping with other men and eventually divorced.
- Lowell is a leg man. Although he considers a woman's chest hair to be her sexiest body part.
- He considers Tom Petty to be the handsomest man in the world.
- After his divorce, Lowell allowed Brian to borrow his boat for an evening, and Brian sunk it. So Lowell moved in with Joe and Brian and stayed with them for a year.
- Lowell once rented a tuxedo for his uncle to be buried in. He paid $112.50 per week until Fay made him go to the store and ask for a refund.
- He names his golf balls.
- According to Mather family tradition, he received a check for twenty-five thousand dollars when he turned thirty-one and a half. With the money he purchased a Wax Museum, but got his money back when the insurance covered it burning down. He called it "Lowell Mather's House o' Wax: The Waxiest Place on Earth" The fire resulted from sparks starting in the Dark Ages display. His business partner in the deal was named Knuckles.
- He almost always wears the same orange baseball cap. It means a lot to him. The first time he fixed a crank case was in that hat. The first time Lowell Jr. threw up was in that hat. And the first time he was hit in the head with a brick was in that hat.
- Lowell can speak fluent French.
- Says he has lived through several great fogs including: November of '82, April of '84, and August of '87.
- He thinks there are only 42 weeks in a year.
- He believes holes in the universe exist, and he calls them "cosmic potholes."
- He wonders if Mr. T is related to Mr. Coffee.
Lowell owns a video camera.
- Nicknames include: Slackass (by Roy)